Ramadhan Bundle Package Texture Experience – Strength and Shine by Makarizo Professional

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Rp 1.072.000 Rp 359.999


Rp 1.072.000 Rp 359.999

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SKU: BUNDLE(RamadhanStrongShine) Kategori Brand:


Isi bundle:
1. Texture Experience Green Tea Butter Shampoo 250ml
2. Texture Experience Green Tea Butter Conditioner 250ml
3. Texture Experience Green Tea Butter Creambath 500ml
4. Texture Experience Green Tea Butter Body Scrub 500ml
5. Texture Experience Green Tea Body Oil 250ml
6. Texture Experience Mint Sorbet 60gr
7. Texture Experience Vanilla Milk 60gr
8. Texture Experience Yoghurt Strawberry 60gr
9. Texture Experience Dark Chocolate 60gr
FREE Texture Experience Honey Tea Shampoo 250ml

Berat 2500 g

Gratis ongkir Rp 10.000 setiap transaksi Rp 90.000

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